About Me

My photo
This is a photo of me (under the whipped cream). Our school met the Summer Reading Challenge and turned me into an ice cream sundae. I have been a teacher for 20 wonderful years. I taught 3rd & 4th grade for 16 years and have been a teacher librarian going on to 4 yrs.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Learning New Things

I'm attending a librarian conference this week. One might rush to the thought of ....BORING! However, I have to admit it's not. I'm part of a group who is looking at ways to help you be the 21st century student you need to be. I get to look at different pieces of technology that will help you find information, communicate your learning and help you inquire about things you what to discover. I have already found some really cool sites that I can't wait to share with you.

This is also the conference that I find out all the winners from the Missouri Reader Club. What book will win the Show Me Award, Mark Twain and/or Truman Awards? I'm excited to see if my predictions will be accurate. I'll let you know when I get back.

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