About Me

My photo
This is a photo of me (under the whipped cream). Our school met the Summer Reading Challenge and turned me into an ice cream sundae. I have been a teacher for 20 wonderful years. I taught 3rd & 4th grade for 16 years and have been a teacher librarian going on to 4 yrs.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Soldiers Surprising Their Loved Ones

On November 11 we will be honoring our veterans. During library we will be reading and discussing about ways to honor those who serve our country. Thank you to all the families who have shared their loved ones with America.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

We Are Off and Running...or Should I Say Reading!

I can't believe it's second quarter already.   I have been concentrating so hard on building relationships with my students - I have neglected my BLOG.  I am still traveling between two schools this year.  However, one of my schools is new to me.  I'm the media specialist at both Meadow Lane Elementary and Pleasant Lea Elementary.  I love both of my schools so much.  Each building is filled with students and staff who are committed to achieve their goals of literacy.  I'm certainly surrounded by a community of readers in both schools.  I teach nearly 1200 students and support over 40 staff member in their curriculum goals.  It's exciting to see students come to the library and inquire more information about something they had just learned about or look for that book that will take them on endless adventures. 
Since students walked in our school doors, we have circulated about 11,000 books at each of my schools.  My clerks and I have pulled 1000s of books for our teachers to use in their classrooms.  Your children are truly surrounded by books and resources. 
One of my main focuses for my students is to help them see the connection between reading to writing.  It's vital the they see themselves as both readers and writers.  The more they read-the more opportunities they may see a style of writing that will inspire them.  One of my goals is to use more technology in my lessons so the kids will see what they can use to produce their final writing creations.
Second Quarter Here We Come!!!!!!